Somebody sent me a message asking me to stay focused on the RSP.
Well whatever you say baby! I aint nothin if not accomodating!
... So heres a lil' little bit of Mamas wisdom for y'all.
Are you attending any meetings and letting your voice be heard?
The meetings are a joke. The city brings in these people with impressive backgrounds in urban planning and such and then wave after wave of angry people show up to yell at them and call them racists. Its damned pitiful if you ask me. I feel sorry for those people- They deserve better. I might have liked to ask them about the new shops or maybe about the new light rail thing they talked about putting in. But those folks wouldn't have it.
What exactly do you like about the plan? dislike?
Whats not to like? I love the plan. The thing is, I think that most people love the plan. If you was to explain the RSP to the average person in Orange County... they'd say "Its about time."
The people that you hear fighting against the plan are what I like to call a "VOCAL MINORITY" Which is really just a fancy term to describe a handful of people that talk a whole lot of shit. Hey, sometimes growing hurts y'all. Its a fact. But I got stretch marks that hurt more than what the RSP ever will.
Why do I want it?
Same reason as most people do I suspect. I want shops, restaurants, and parks put together by someone who understands how to build a proper community where people wanna walk around. I want to build a place that shines so bright that the gangs will all have to run away and find a new dark hole to climb into. And a little "cultural diversity" wouldn't hurt nobody either!
What do I 'NOT' want?
Well, like I said, the highrises worry me a little bit. But when it comes right down to it- the real question is who is going to make these things? And how are they expecting to make money? Are they gonna pack in as many people as they can into cheap little places? (Cause thats gonna put us right back where we started.) OR, are they gonna build only as much as the community can bear? If they think about community first... then they will create an effective downtown, and in the long run make more money than if they'd just cashed in for a quick buck.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
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- Two Fisted Mama
- The good lord blessed me with 5 wonderful kids. They are my life and my strength and I don't tolerate nobody messin with my kids. I am one two fisted mama bear that you dont wanna mess with! I've lived in Santa Ana all my life and I've seen it change from pretty good to bad to worse, and now that we finally got a plan to fix things some scared people wanna screw it all up. Well I say we got nowhere to go but up. Im tired of the crime. I'm tired of the drugs.This town is my home and I aint never leaving it- but that dont mean that I like what its become. I like nice things same as anybody. How come we cant have a nice downtown like that Orange Circle up there? Or that downtown fullerton? We're more historic, been around longer, got more tax dollars to spend than any of those places. Why not build us a downtown like it says up there on that water tower? I say its time to PIMP THIS HOOD.
Did you make it the meeting at the St. Joseph's Hall on the 17th of January?
What do you think about Ware's donation? The RSP will zone her out so why would she donate so much to keep the RSP backers in office?
What will happen to the Festival Hall on the corner of Spurgeon and Second Street? They should tear that down and build something to accomodate the loft residents...And what about the body shops on spurgeon and 1st next to the artist workshop? I thought they were going to build another tract of loft? And when are they going to break ground on the sycamore lofts near the artist's walk? Also what about that atrocity of a shopping center with the food for less with the muffler shop? Who the hell thought that one up?
# 3 Ano
All the properties Festival Hall,Center,Ace & Body Shops are EXCLUDED from the plan. The Festival Hall belongs to Sarmiento and ace is Pulido's.The Boundaries were redrawn and tweaked more than 7 times to accomodate special interest groups.
Like the input on the RSP.
99.9% of those who participate in the sessions like parts of the plan and only want their ideas and concerns to be addressed.
1# I disagreee with you there are only a handful of speakers that talked about "racists".Don't insult the rest of us.
2# Not all speakers talked a "handful of Shit". We don't see you up there,maybe it is time you put your words out there for the planners and citizens to hear?
3#Sky rises are coming fast & furious. The Developers are just waiting for the plan to pass.
4# The plan indicates very clearly that they are going to build more than the city can handle.And that's without all the variances they are going to grant. Staff has already proposed variances to the Minter Court Project. The city can't handle the traffic now!
5# I think everyone wants to see shops and cafes,but realistically that will be much much later in the plan.30 years.....
6# And most importantly
the Business and property owners that take the time to sit through the endless meetings and contribute to the process are to be commended. Don't forget it is those business owners that have been here more than 50 plus years that continue year after year to pay taxes and employ your neighbors. Ware is the exception to the case. These citizens should not be critized by those who have not taken the time to hear their issues.
Be very very careful with your not in my backyard attitude..When the City comes to take property for their cohorts and build an affordable housing project ( and they ARE!!) on both sides of your home..don't come crying because you do not have the gumption to really stand up for what you believe in!
Come on Mama show your FACE!!
#5 Thank you.
You took the words right out of my mouth. I was just about to type basically the same thing you did.
Now I can just say I agree with you 100%
Be very very careful with your not in my backyard attitude..When the City comes to take property for their cohorts and build an affordable housing project ( and they ARE!!) on both sides of your home..don't come crying because you do not have the gumption to really stand up for what you believe in!
Come on Mama show your FACE!!
This is SO true!! Do not think they might not take your house. No one really knows the WHOLE TRUTH!!
I would stay on alert Mama. Go and really listen, you might change your tune.
About Judy Ware: What can I say? , The councils got her money so shes got the councils ear... Bitch aint going anywhere and she knows it. I'm afraid that they'll just leave her out of it and build around her for now. (I didn't expect any different.) But listen, getting rid of Judy will be a hell of a lot easier after the RSP goes through. You need to fight money with money. The kind of money that a bunch of new loft owners and shop owners will supply.
What about the Festival Hall and Pulidos Muffler shop and the Food for Less? I keep hearing this. Its all anyone wants to talk about. My answer: Have you ever heard of "throwing the baby out with the bathwater?" Because thats what folks who focus on these little changes are doing. Some city officials leave there own business' out of the plan so the plan is no good? Come on now. Y'all wanna scrap the plan on account of that? thats like sending back a free car because one of the tires is flat. The plan is the best thing to happen to Santa Ana in a very long time and y'all nitpicking about politicians doing what politicians do. Like I said, let the plan do its thing. let it grow. And those other places will wind up changing anyway to reflect the new community standards. It will work if the seed gets planted... but y'all just wanna kill that seed because the ones planting it aint the most honest characters... (well their replacements wont be either I promise you! And ten years down the road this town will be worse off than it is now and the same folks that were against the plan will be scratching their heads and wondering why. Its about comin up people! And its about time!Dont believe the negative hype!
to the nice man that wrote the novel
I didn't say that just a handful of people talked about racists... I said that everybody who got up there talked a whole lot of angry shit. and they did. And they do...every time
If you consider that an insult then you aint never been insulted properly.
You never seen me there
One of the reasons I blog is that for for health reasons (that I don't wanna go into) I haven't left my house in long time. I got a nice neighbor that records the meetings for me to listen to so I can write these blogs. And if I could just run down there to those meetings in person, I probably wouldn't. I aint trying to get into no screamin match with nobody anyhow... That shit just about make a mama wanna whup somebody! And I sure don't need that. No thank you Sir- If you wanna talk to me you can do it right here. These are my words and everybody can read them. And dont tell me I got no gumption... Mama got plenty gumption- Mama writes letters to the city and Mama votes and mama blogs and Mama takes care of 5 kids in spite of her condition. So don't be puttin down Mama. I'm very interested in some of the things you said though. My next blog will be dedicated to you sir.
Mama & Anon posters concerning Ware being zoned out of the Logan Barrio:
Ware will not be zoned out of Logan. Your "wonderful" RSP leaves the good people of Logan with a "Mixed Use" designation.
This means "Reina de la Basura" Judy Ware will be allowed to keep her trash heap throne in Logan.
Yup the queen of trash is staying put. (I think Mama mentioned that already though)
Its not that the plan should be scraped becasue it excludes the councilmemebers' properties and businesses. Its the fact the plan promotes cleaning up and revitilizing the area. Those properties are out of place in downtown...There shouldn't be a double standard for the politicians. And by the way the rezoning does not allow any property owners, residential or industrial to redevelop their own land.
I agree with anon#3. The hall could be an extension of the lofts here. Why not tear thw Food4Less center down and build a tract of additional lofts there, that would grow our artist/ urbanist community and promote the idea of the plan. I like the plan but I don't support running people out of town. The area around artist's walk and main st and fourth is the REAL downtown. Why not work from main st/ first street up to the city place.
How can the city's officials say that the plan is a great way to renew that city, yet leave their properties which are blighted and out of date. I think if they included the muffler shop and festival hall in the plan, that would prove to people that they want to revitalize the city's downtown. Why not replace FOOD4LESS with a whole foods or Henry's Marketplace??? That center would serve as a great place for a variety of cool stores and restaurants.
the rezoning does not allow any property owners, residential or industrial to redevelop their own land.
You mean to tell me that if my house is rezoned to live/work I cant start selling pies out of my front yard?
Can anyone confirm this?
Cause if that shit is true
then Mama is definitely NOT happy.
You got it! The only way you could take advantage of the live work is if you updated your property to fall within the Arch RSP guidelines. Work is on bottom floors only and live is only allowed on your 2nd story NO EXCEPTIONS!
So don't be thinking your gonna turn a profit without the almighty founding fathers telling you exactly what to do. And no you won't be getting any sweetheart variances like those white foks. But you can bet your bottom dollar that those work/live new buildings on each side of you will hound the city about you being non-conforming and drive you right out of town with the citations and fines you will be getting. You have two years to become "conforming".
So I guess it is safe to say that MAMA ain't happy?
You sure are right about those meetings. It is such an angry group of people that I feel like I'm gonna get lynched if I speak up and show some support for the RSP.
If you think the entrenched population of illegals is pissed off now that we're trying to rezone some crap shacks and warehouses- What do you think would happen if we tried to Re-Americanize 4th street? PLEASE!
These "New Urbanists" are smarter than that! Its necessary to create something separate because the illegals want nothing to do with American culture. And while the city government may all be latino on origin, they know they are representing an American City. And they arent yet ready to hand it entirely over to Mexico and throw away the stars and stripes forever.
Now you listen here white man!
I don't want no hate on this here blog. Now I says to folks that they gotta keep it real, and I can appreciate how you feel- but I don't like that word "illegal" I'm not gonn take down your comment but you've been warned.
Now as far as my other conversation, I'm gonna get the RSP people on the phone and have a talk with them. Maybe Mama might do a little interview with them and post it.
All those shops on fourth and in the plan area are owned by americans.
But their clientele most certainly is NOT.
Judy Ware & her companies have given a lot of money to politicians, not just in Santa Ana. The recent Santa Ana Measure D was reported in the Orange County Register where Ware Disposal Companies gave $20,000. Ben Ware (Judy's Husband) & Jay Ware (Judy's Son) have given $2,600in total to the party of John McCain as reported here The website lists the Ware's home address of 21 Sarteano Drive, Newport Coast, California, 92657.
Residential properties will be rezoned and restricted...
The Ware folks must despise Logan residents because during the meeting involving Logan business owners, Ware attorney A. Patrick Muñoz rose before the group of 50 or so Logan-area businessmen and described the houses in Logan as "crummy shacks that should be torn down." To top that off, Orange Juice blogger Thomas Gordon also claims Muñoz yelled "Fuck you" to him and gave Gordon the finger. Patrick Munoz also gives lots of money to politicians. In the past, he has given $2000 to Diane Feinstein as reported here: The website has a link to the original FEC filing which lists Patrick Munoz's home address of 41 Clermont, Newport Coast, California, 92657. Apparently, he lives less than 2 miles from Ben & Judy Ware whose home address was listed as 21 Sarteano Drive, Newport Coast, California, 92657 as reported here Mapquest these 2 addresses & they live just across Newport Coast Drive from each other. The home addresses of Patrick Munoz & Judy Ware are public information that can be easily obtained from the internet without leaving one's home. They both live in Newport Coast. When Ware Disposal was bidding for the Newport Beach Trash Contract, Patrick Munoz went to the city council meeting late at night wearing 2 hats, speaking as both a concerned citizen of Newport Coast as well as the Ware's attorney. Mr. Munoz is now a member of the Orange Coast Community College Board. Let's hope that none of the families of Logan Neighborhood attend OCC since one of the board members apparently thinks they're children from "crummy little houses."
To the last poster,
I'm no fan of Ware,
but a bunch of those houses
really ARE run down shacks.
(I'm sure yours is very nice though Mama)
the urbanist you might be right...but a trash dump(Judy Ware) does not have the right to take over the Logan Area.
That is the BOTTOM LINE!!!
MAMA, Where are you???? There has been a lot of meetings regarding the Renaissance Plan since this last blog. Where is your input??? What do you think about Ware's comments??? I would like to hear your input.
What do you think about the Renaissance PLan being put on hold???
Are you OK?!?!? Where are your thoughts regarding the postponement and redrafting of the plan? I would like to hear what a resident inside the plan has to say about it. I know French park really loves this plan considering it doesn't affect them, it disinfects them of the brown disease that surrounds them. I'm sure if some of your relatives lived in the area they'd be even more adament about this clean up plan.
mama donde esta?????
Mama where in Santa Ana are you from?
What is happening with the RSP?
I have been out of the country for 2 months, and now when I get on the city website I can't find anything about it and there is no info on the blogs?!?!? What gives? Did the PLanning Commission pass/approve the plan?
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